Key Amenities

Let your guests stay aware of your hotel’s unique offerings. Customizing this section will help your guests find details about amenities and save them time and questions. Effortlessly update and personalize your amenity list whenever needed, ensuring guests can access the most current information. Enhance guest satisfaction and streamline communication with this simple yet impactful feature.

Add Key Amenities Page Details

Highlight your key offerings on the dedicated and customizable Key Amenities Page. Add everything from a sparkling swimming pool to a delicious on-site restaurant. Follow our step-by-step guide to easily add descriptions, photos, and icons of your amenities.

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Add Property Map

Integrate the property map into your Online Guest Directory for more straightforward navigation and exploration of the hotel.

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Amenities List

Create a list of your amenities so guests can make the most of their time at your hotel.

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